Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Voltage Adapter What Effect Will The Wrong Voltage Ac Adapter Cause?

What effect will the wrong voltage ac adapter cause? - voltage adapter

I need an adapter 13V 1500mA and the next I think 12V is 1500mA. "The small voltage difference on the issue of long-term implications for pregnant my phone?


gp4rts said...

Can probably, at least in the lower voltage does not hurt. Most of the sources of tension are measured at ± 10% of all kinds, and most circuits are designed so that a lot of variety.

justme said...

I agree, often used to cause problems. At least it is the same. About the only thing you notice is the maximum volume to be as strong as the 13v one (perhaps), or wireless range can be a little less ..

justme said...

I agree, often used to cause problems. At least it is the same. About the only thing you notice is the maximum volume to be as strong as the 13v one (perhaps), or wireless range can be a little less ..

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