Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Burning While Urinating What Is Causing Back Pain, Nausea, Burning While Urinating?

What is causing back pain, nausea, burning while urinating? - burning while urinating

It hurts very bad back when I breathe, especially when I lie. While I below, I am very sick with a sore back .. Nausea the whole day went very well.
And my burns when I urinate and feels very warm.
Who knows what could be the problem? All proposals will be very grateful! Thank you.


frank said...

It is possible that kidney stones, too.
Get a sample.

Athene said...

He has a kidney infection.
You need antibiotics immediately. The people suffer permanent damage to kidneys of untreated kidney infections or even death.
My son is just out of the hospital, where he treated for a kidney infection. It is small and does not recognize the signs and almost died.
Please consult a doctor immediately.

tuckerkr... said...

Sounds like a urinary tract infection or bladder infection. You must be drinking cranberry juice and get some antibiotics. It can be very painful, does not check for too long without!

marriedm... said...

sounds like an infection that should go to the doctor for antibitoics
Bladder or urinary tract infection or kidney

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