Friday, January 29, 2010

How To Know If Cartier 20-61323 Is Real Ive Been Trying To Find To Find Out If A Watch I Have Is Real Cartier Paris 20-61323 Does Anyone Have A Pic?

Ive been trying to find to find out if a watch i have is real cartier paris 20-61323 does anyone have a pic? - how to know if cartier 20-61323 is real

Is there another way of ind?


miyuki & kyojin said...

Is this a recent case, see the Roman numerals on it with a magnifying glass. I have several genuine Cartier watches. In my "Santos Dumont", "X" with "10", said "Cartier" in tiny letters at once from the Cross. Others refer to "VII". It is almost impossible to forge. Do you have a jeweler remove the case and to control the movement.

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